It is a great pleasure to meet you. It's Mr. Tee. My full name is Teerayut Teerasupaluck. I hail from Thailand. I was compelled to attend church since primary school. I have worked in public policy and consulting for over a decade until 2017 when I became intentional with missionary organizations and church missions. It was during my formation in seminary, chaplaincy, and pastoral internships in California and North Carolina that my passion to pastor for congregations became my seal. That is incarational and inclusive as Jesus Christ reconciles all so we are Christ's ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5-6 NRVS). I understand the Wesleyan tradition of the United Methodist Church for the divine grace, means of grace through church and sacraments, open table, preaching amidst the peoples, and doing no harm, so doing (quite) good if possible.
Tee(he/him/his) is a graduate of Thammasat University (B.A. in Political Science, 2009, Dean's List), University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS (Exchange Student, 2007-2008), Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (M.P.S. in International Development, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 2013, Fulbright Scholar), and Duke University, Durham, NC (M.Div., Duke Divinity School, 2022, Magna Cum Laude).