Important Dates
* Jan. 19 - April 12, Township UMC will be closed for the winter
* Jan. 21, Worship at Asst. Living, 3pm
* Jan. 23, Lunch at Country Store with Gilboa, 12pm
* Jan. 25, Bloomville Senior Youth Group (confirmed youth), 5-7pm
* Jan. 27, Harpersfield Ad Council, 6pm
* Jan. 27-29, Pastor Dawn at Spiritual Retreat
* Feb. 1, Pancake Breakfast @ Stamford FD, 8am - noon
* Feb. 3, Worship Team Meeting via ZOOM, 6pm
* Feb. 8, Pancake Breakfast @ Hobart Community Center, 8 - 11am
* Feb. 8, Valentine Bingo at Conesville, bring a food item, 2pm
* Feb. 8, Bloomville Confirmation Youth, 5-7pm
* Feb. 11, Hobart Council, 4:30pm
* Feb. 12, UWF, @ Pastor Peg's, 2pm
* Feb. 17, Mountain Beacon Parish meeting via ZOOM, 6:30pm
* Feb. 19, Prayer meeting and potluck at Gilboa, 6pm
* Feb. 22, Senior Youth Group @ Bloomville UMC, 5-7pm
* March 1, Community Potluck, TBD
Special Announcements
Your Continued support of our food bank collection is very much needed and appreciated.
Thank you for supporting our DHC missions and activities!
* The Worship schedule is posted on the website - calendar
Please reach out to Pastor Peggy & Pastor Dawn for any pastoral counseling and prayer requests.
* Traveling mercies for a safe and healthy journey. Go safe, move safe, stay safe, leave safe, then back to us safe.
The official address of the Bloomville United Methodist Church is now 35 Church St., Bloomville, NY 13739. (We will no longer use PO Box 3)
New Pastor News
In 2023, New York Annual Conference District Superintendent Rev. Karen Monk appointed Pastor Dawn Richards and Pastor Peggy Laemmel to the Delaware Headwaters Charge. At that time Rev. Monk announced the addition of Harpersfield UMC, Gilboa UMC and Conesville UMC Chapel to the Charge.
The perspective merger of the Stamford UMC and the First Presbyterian Church of Stamford is still a work in progress. From this merger will be a new church. Services are held in the First Presbyterian Church as the Stamford UMC has ended services. More information will be coming. Pastor Dawn lives in the Stamford UMC parsonage at 20 So. Delaware St., Stamford, NY. Pastor Peggy lives in the Hobart parsonage. The DHC office will continue to be in the Hobart UMC. We have updated worship times.
Farewell to Stamford UMC Building
On July 10, 2022 we celebrated the transition of the church. We held the last worship service for Stamford United Methodist Church in the church. The SUMC congregation will now meet with the First Presbyterian Church of Stamford at 11:15am on Sundays.
Check Facebook and the webpage for updates and announcements about service times and acts of ministry. Be sure to phone a friend to help get the word out to all.
Your tithes and offerings allow our churches to continue their care and missions during these challenging times. We are grateful for your support! Thanks you! We would like to encourage all our parishioners to keep sustaining and empowering your giving ministry to the righteous cause of Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior in transforming this needy world into the kingdom of God in such a critical and unusual time as this until noticed otherwise as follows:
Please mail your tithes and other offerings to your church’s financial secretary.
Bloomville UMC: Janis Beken, 375 Scotch Hill Road, Bloomville NY 13739
Hobart UMC: Ralph Beisler, PO Box E, Hobart, NY 13788
Stamford UMC: Carol Beierlein, PO Box 133, Stamford, NY 12167
Township UMC: Ginny Austin, 16385 County Highway 18. Stamford NY 12167
Food Pantry items needed
Bathroom products: toilet paper, shaving cream, band aids, liquid hand soap, bar soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes
Kitchen supplies: paper towels, dish soap, dish detergent, towels
Food: Jelly, peanut butter muffin mix, cake mix, salt, pepper, mustard, mayo, ketchup, bbq sauce, canned fruit, canned veggies, canned pasta, mac & cheese, salad dressing, rice, cereal, coffee, tea
Dog & Cat food