pastor of the church

Dawn Richards


outside view of the church

96 Main St.
Stamford, NY 12167

Phone: (607) 652–7242

Worship: 11:15am

Upcoming Events

Ministry Opportunities

Food Donations to
Local Food Bank

Annual Dinner/Meals

Seasonal Services & Events

AA Meetings

Special Worship Services & Celebrations


On July 10, 2022 we celebrated the transition of the church. We held the last worship service for Stamford United Methodist Church in the church.  The SUMC congregation will now meet at the Stamford Presbyterian Church. For more information, please visit the Stamford Presbyterian Church Website.

Stamford UMC History

Church at the Head of the Delaware - William R. Phinney

More Than A Century of Progress of Methodism - 1934


Your tithes and offerings allow our churches to continue their care and missions during these challenging times.  We are grateful for your support!   Thanks you!  We would like to encourage all our parishioners to keep sustaining and empowering your giving ministry to the righteous cause of Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior in transforming this needy world into the kingdom of God in such a critical and unusual time as this until noticed otherwise as follows:

Please mail your tithes and other offerings to your church’s financial secretary.

Stamford UMC: Carol Beierlein, PO Box 133, Stamford, NY  12167

Prayer Ministry

If you have a prayer request, please send it to  We will be happy to add it to our prayers during Sunday service. If you have a request/need for private counseling or a time of prayer with Pastor Dawn or Pastor Peg about a personal matter,  please contact the office or either Pastor. 


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