Dawn Richards

343 Col Harper Dr, PO Box 222
Harpersfield, NY 13786
(607) 538-9440
Worship: 6:00pm Thursdays
Upcoming Events
Ministry Opportunities
Food Donations to
Local Food Bank
Special Worship Services & Celebrations
Card Ministry
Sunday School
Christmas Baskets for shut-ins
Assisting Local Missions
Annual Dinner/Meals
Seasonal Services & Events
Mission & About
Coming Soon!
Our Mission
"The mission of the church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world."
Our Vision
We are a blessed community that connects our rich heritage with future generations, leading us to serve our neighbors, explore our missions, participate in fellowship and worship while humbly serving our God.
Our Core Values
As a church that follows the example of Jesus, we are. . .
Laughing children, welcoming smiles, comforting arms, good listeners, helping hands, singers, teachers, learners, volunteers, generous stewards of God’s great bounty, servants of the community both near and far, and generous with our prayers, presence, gifts, service and talents.
We welcome you to join us as we praise God, serve others and provide opportunities for people to grow together on their journey of faith.
Our missions help us share the gospel through actions and/or spoken words.
Your tithes and offerings allow our churches to continue their care and missions during these challenging times. We are grateful for your support! Thanks you! We would like to encourage all our parishioners to keep sustaining and empowering your giving ministry to the righteous cause of Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior in transforming this needy world into the kingdom of God in such a critical and unusual time as this until noticed otherwise as follows:
Please mail your tithes and other offerings to your church’s financial secretary.
Harpersfield UMC: PO Box 222, Harpersfield, NY 13786
Prayer Ministry
If you have a prayer request, please send it to pastordelawareheadwatersparish